Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Wednesday 31 December 2008

Happy New Year.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year. Have fun and lets enjoy 2009.


Monday 29 December 2008

Anandwan,Boxes part two.

After showing Mr Amru the intended work shop the demonstrations began.

I had already printed a series of images for the making of the boxes.
This was backed up with demonstrations.

As with any group of individuals, there was different skill and ability levels. Each student was treated as an individual, I find that it is better to find solutions before you find the problems. To look ahead, anticipated problems cease to be problems, just a series of solutions.

We worked with the available equipment.
Some of which would be frowned on in the UK. One such animal was the guillotine.

A beast of a machine. That said, it did the job.

It is always the same. You pay attention to the demonstration, you think that it is easy, no problem. Then work shop leader invites you to have a go. Then you wish you had paid more attention.

The secret is to be accurate, understand the materials you are using, accept that in the beginning mistakes will be made...learn from them and move on.

Pointing out the finer details.

Realising that as a teacher, it is just as important to learn from those you teach.

And when it is best to take a back seat and let the individual student shine.

One thing I did learn , the importance of the Tea Break.

Saturday 20 December 2008

A mini studio 5 in India.

I love my job, one of the highlights is being able to leave a cold, dark and damp England for the warmth of India.

At one point it looked that I would not be going. The terrorist attack in Bombay had caused a degree of concern. My wife, friends and studio members asked me to think long and hard. I had intended to fly into Bombay, spending a couple of days checking out the suppliers and getting over the jet lag before going on to Anandwan. In the end it was decided that it would be best not to spend time in Bombay but catch the first flight out to Nagpur ( The nearest airport to Anandwan )

This sounded fine in theory but in practise it was a different case. The flight from London was the usual mind and bottom numbing 8 or so hours. Having to check in some three hours before spending an age wandering around London Heathrow, terminal 3, trying to buy something to keep me occupied. Once in Bombay I face the agony of some six or so hours before the flight to Nagpur. The joy of travel.

Following the flight to Nagpur I then faced the next two hours lurching on and off the road in a four wheel ambulance ( the only way to travel ) The rest of the day was spent recovering.

Waiting on a pink, concrete bench with a mini Studio 5 for my transport

The transport. Please note that the studio equipment is given priority.

With Mr Amru ( the head of the section where I would be working ) talking over the box making projects.

Wednesday 17 December 2008

Back from India.

After a very busy ten or so days I am back in the studio.

Being back in India and in particular Anandwan was fantastic. Not a holiday, hard but rewarding work with top people.

It was good, really good, to see friends from my previous visit.

The all too few days I spent with the students was full on work. I had taken a mini studio 5 with me so we were able to get some serious work done.

Over the next few entries I will endeavour to let you know what we did and how we did it. I have jet lag ( not fully recovered from the Japan tour ) and am going to bed.

Friday 5 December 2008

India Bound.

In the morning I will be leaving the cold, damp and dark shores of this island. I am bound for India. My luggage consists of the usual smalls, tooth brush and the like and a Mini Studio 5.

All will be revealed as and when I can get on the internet.

See you soon.