Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Sunday 30 August 2009

jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, the Japanese paper in-lays.

The in-lays are finished. As the single book is now three volumes, each with a different set of end papers the design reflects this. Volume one has a single line of in - lays in the same paper as the end papers. Volume two has two lines, the first being a continuation of the first line on volume one and a new line of in-lays below it in the same paper as the end papers in volume two. Volume three takes the same approach.

The overall effect is subtle and I am liking this.

Saturday 29 August 2009

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, the covers.

After a great deal of looking and some experimentation the covers have been made. The binding is of leather with the reverse on the outside. The client has asked for something with natural tones, aged like old ivory.... so I have stained the leather with a leather varnish. This protects the surface of the leather and lends a warm tone. The leather has taken the varnish in varying degrees, I think it looks good and is well on the way to be finished with multiple inlays of Japanese Paper.

Friday 28 August 2009

The Book Eaters Number 4.

Man thanks to Marc at parklightpictures for the image....

The book is finally finished, it along with lots more books will be on display at The Royal Festival Hall on the south bank on the 4th 5th and 6th of September.

There will also be a film of the making and eating of the books and lots more stuff to do with insects as the Pestival takes place.

Monday 24 August 2009

The Book Eaters Number 3.

Aspects of the Decayed or The book Eaters.

Monday 17 August 2009

The Book Eaters Number 2.

The book was frozen, this is sounds strange but is important as I do not want all of my books to be eaten in the studio.

Now comes the not-so-easy part of the project, the cleaning away of any wee beasties and muck. A long process as the book has to dry out first. The contours and colours are wonderful, full of texture and smell !

As the pages are opened the paths and holes created by the larvae and insects.

The staining and pressure marks have fused a number of pages together to form ridged pages...

... whilst others have become more lace like. I love this book.

Wednesday 12 August 2009

The Book Eaters.

I spend my life making books. Recently I have been burying my books and today was exhumation day for one of them. As I rummaged through the soil,, worms disappearing down dank holes, shiny beetles defending their turf and other stuff i cared not what it was, I slowly unearthed my book.

Cleaning off the soil from the pages revealed a myriad of colours. Fungi and moulds creating pattens and swirls to delight the eye. Then the insect and their spwan damage began to take form. First the edges of pages had been nibbled.

On opening the pages holes began to make their mark adding to the page.

The book was being taken back to nature being both home and food, an environment within an environment.

Saturday 8 August 2009

Burying Books.

First the weather, the summer in London has been interesting. Having nipped out for a quick one in the middle of a down pour the equipment failed.

As part of this years Pestival at the Royal Festival Hall, south bank, London I have been making books and burying them in locations around Studio 5. I have been working with Amoret Whitaker ( the celebrated Forensic Entomologist ) looking at the interaction of insects and the book. The results will be displayed during the weekend of the Pestival.

The books were buried some time ago, having exhumed them and checked up on them at regular intervals the books have become a micro environment within the natural world. Top stuff.
