Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Friday 24 December 2010

Happy Christmas....

Happy Christmas and a good to new year from Studio 5.

Thursday 23 December 2010

The Art of Gilbert and George by Wolf Jahn.

A fantastic book, full of colour, full of some of the most influential work produced in the 20th century and beyond. A signed edition that charts the work and life of G and G.

The boards have been attached with aero linen, skirting and 3/4 hollow are evident. I have created a recess in both of the boards, this is to create an area for the design and a new material, more about that later.

G and G with water colour paper to the boards and the spine piece in place, all sanded and ready for the leather.

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Ally Cold gold...

Ally, the gold leaf was applied with a mix of PVA and a rice starch paste... simple.

Sunday 12 December 2010

Thursday 9 December 2010

LYSISTRATA very nearly finished...

Lysistrata is very nearly finished, just the box to finish...
Hope to have images up very soon.

Monday 6 December 2010

LYSISTRATA the final stages of the binding.

So yesterday I was in Studio 2 printing the Doublers for Lysitrata. The print technique is soft plate off-set and is fun if a little unpredictable.

However, I love the results with the line, texture etc.

The client had wished for a few details to be printed on the front doubler so here they are, minus the clients name of course. So all is set for the binding and the box to be finished well before Christmas, well I would hope with a week to spare...

Friday 3 December 2010

LYSISTRATA and snow.

Snow, wonderful stuff.

Lysistrata, now that the outside is completed work can begin on the inside. The leather joints are down just in-fill and the doublers to do... not long to go!