Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Saturday 21 April 2018

Evolution A B A battersea, London.

Cut and paste, with the first image now complete only a few more to go .....

Friday 20 April 2018

Cut and Paste, Imperial 70 Typwriter.

After a few false starts and looking for my correction/delete pen I have managed to sort the text out and the page numbers. I love the rhythm that the text has, the living line as it were. Next is cut and paste. For those of us born PC (post computer) Cut is done with a knife , scissors or shears. Paste is sticky stuff for adhering stuff to stuff.

Key Board Action for the ABA

Taking my inspiration from the Fanzines I made in my youth, I am working on the text for EVOLUTION... Various Studies.  I have to remember there is no delete button.


Thursday 19 April 2018

The ABA Rare Book Fair London

With only a few weeks to go to  The ABA Rare Book Fair London I am busy preparing the Artists book for the workshops I will be hosting during the event.

I will be making only 40 of the books which the workshop participants will be able to make during the event, adding their own individual touches to make unique books.

 First I folded a section up, without cutting to get the correct page order, what goes where etc

Then a template in a grid structure to ensure that I have a good base to work from, to ensure that the imagery, text and page numbers will be in alignment. The techniques and methods will, in the main, be BC (Before Computers) 

For FREE TICKETS please follow the link below. Please do not forget to say where you heard about the event...... me  😀


Tuesday 17 April 2018


The text has been added to the individual spreads, creating the continuity of thought and expression. Work can no begin on the binding.

Monday 16 April 2018

Flawlessly Chronic Inner Dissatifaction


New work taking shape.

So, what is a book?

So, what is a book?

In idle moments this question pops its head over the parapet of the utter chaos that takes the place of reasonable thought and order that is my mind. A simple question that one may reasonably have thought I would have at least one if not possibly two answers on the tip of my tongue.

To be honest, the more I work with or experience the book the more my thoughts of what a book is or, in fact could be, are enhanced. New works start today. Where I ask myself the question to find possible answers.