Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Monday 28 January 2019

Weekend Workshop.

Behind the scenes. As my reader may be aware... I am to host a DB/SoB joint workshop this weekend coming. During the weekend we are going to be exploring an approach to artists books. I hope it will be fun. With any workshop or lesson there is a lot of planning. Planning not just in the publicity.. after all, what is the point of putting a workshop on when no one knows about it. The fees go towards the venue and incidentals, things and people need to be paid. In total I have spent a number of days working towards the smooth running of the weekend. Fingers crossed etc..

Sunday 6 January 2019

Introduction to Restoration of Cloth Case Bindings and Leather Bindings. With classic and contemporary practise.

Studio 5 is pleased to announce a new course - Introduction to Restoration of Cloth Case Bindings and Leather bindings. The course focuses on classic, minimal intrusion techniques and 'Kinsugi' style repairs - contemporary 'visible' repairs.

The Introduction course in Restoration is broken down into 4 separate modules.

Module 1. Introduction To Book Structure.

This module introduces the student to basic book structures and construction techniques, sewing styles and materials. such as cloth and a number of machine made papers. It will allow students the opportunity to explore differing approaches and  techniques in the production books.
To develop hand skills related to book making and material use
To enhance professional skills, awareness and responsibility
To stimulate an awareness of the book

Learning Outcome
On completion the student will be able to:
Understand styles of various books and material use
Be familiar with various forwarding and sewing techniques
Forward a full cloth and ¼ Leather bound book
Assessment Strategy
Assessment will be in line with the STUDIO 5 criteria and will be evident through examination and discussion of finished items of work. The student will demonstrate an ability to apply the techniques to a good standard and understand the reasons for their use.
The Module is delivered over 6 days with all materials included.
Fee £700

Module 2. Introduction to Cloth Repair/Rebacking, Case Binding.
This module develops an awareness of the integrity of the original covering materials in a historical context. The student will have the opportunity to create  sensitive and conservation centered repairs to existing case bindings.

To understand the correct methods of repair.
To indentify the appropriate materials.
To apply the techniques for rebacking and repair in cloth and other materials.
To appreciate the difference between styles of historical case bindings.

Learning Outcome.
On completion the student will be able to:
Recognise the extent and feasibility of repair.
Apply the techniques of conserving as much of the original materials as possible.
Apply the techniques of staining new repair materials for use in repair.
Reback in cloth and replace saved materials.

Indicative Content.
Books selected suitable for repair.
Text block examined and any damage assessed: appropriate repairs carried out
Books repaired retaining maximum amount of original binding
New materials treated for classical techniques.

Assessment Strategy
Assessment will be in line with the STUDIO 5 criteria and will be evident through examination and discussion of 2 finished items of work. The student will demonstrate an ability to apply the techniques to a high standard and understand the reasons for their use. The student will be expected to be able to demonstrate and rationalise working processes.
The Module is delivered over 6 days with materials and books if the student has no access to suitable books included.
Fee £700

Module 3. Introduction to Leather Repair/Leather Rebacking.

This module develops an awareness of the integrity of leather as an original covering material in a historical context, relating to
Module 2. Introduction to Cloth Repair/Rebacking, Case Binding, and developing further into leather work. The student will have the opportunity to work with leather bindings.

To recognise the extent and feasibility of repair required.
To apply the type of repair/reback necessary based on the period and style of the original binding.
To assess existing and repair or resew as necessary.
To prepare the original binding in a suitable manner.
To repair or replace the original bords.
To apply techniques for attaching suitably prepared stained leathers or repair materials.
To replace all saved original materials and apply in a suitable manner.

Learning Outcome.
On completion the student will be able to:
Assess the extent to which the book can be repaired and understand the limitations involved.
Appreciate the value of keeping original materials
Prepare with minimum damage the original bookbinding.
Assess the materials required and reback in a new suitably stained leather.
Replace lifted areas and harmonise repairs with an understanding of dyes and paints.
Repair, reback and refurbish leather bindings with minimum intervention to the original, and with minimum evidence or of repair.
Understand the implications of different structures and make decisions for restoration based on period, style and use of book.

Assessment Strategy
Assessment will be in line with the STUDIO 5 criteria and will be evident through examination and discussion of 2 finished items of work. The student will demonstrate an ability to apply the techniques to a high standard and understand the reasons for their use. The student will be expected to be able to demonstrate and rationalise working processes.
The Module is delivered over 10 days with materials included. The student will be expected to supply the books for this module.
Fee £1,100.

Module 4. Contemporary Practice and Kinsugi Repairs. 
This module introduces the student contemporary techniques in the repair of books.  It will allow students the opportunity to explore and experiment with  differing approaches and  techniques in the repair of books.

To develop an understanding of material manipulation
To enhance professional skills, awareness and responsibility when undertaking contemporary repair techniques
To stimulate an awareness of fusion and alternative methods of repair

Learning Outcome
Assess the extent to which the book can be repaired and understand the limitations involved.
Prepare with minimum damage the original bookbinding.
Resew etc if required.
Assess the materials required and reback in a contemporary/fusion fashion.
Replace lifted areas and repair with an Kinsugi style .
Repair, reback and refurbish leather bindings with minimum intervention to the original, and with evidence of the repair whilst still being considerate to the original.
Understand the implications of different structures and make decisions for restoration based on period, style and use of book.
Assessment Strategy
Assessment will be in line with the STUDIO 5 criteria and will be evident through examination and discussion of 2 finished items of work. The student will demonstrate an ability to apply the techniques to a good standard and understand the reasons for their use.
The Module is delivered over 10 days with some materials included. The student will be expected to supply the books for this module.
Fee £1,100.


The STUDIO 5 Introduction to Restoration of Cloth Case Bindings and Leather Bindings. With classic and contemporary practise, is delivered in modules. The modules are intended to be completed in succession. Upon successful completion of each module the student will be issued with a Studio 5 Certificate.  However, for students with prior knowledge, individual modules can be taken as stand alone short courses/workshops.
The complete course is 32 days, the fee is £3,600.00. The fee covers all tuition, hand tool use, workshop equipment as required and materials as outlined in the module information.
A 50% non returnable deposit is required to confirm booking full payment being made no less than 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the course or module. The modules can be delivered in a block or days to suit the individual student.
Once the course or module has begun no refunds are available.

To book a place or for more information please contact us.
Mark Cockram
Studio Five First Floor The Mews 46-52 Church Road Barnes London SW13 0DQ
Tel: 0208 563 2158 e-mail: