Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Sunday 25 August 2019

The Printer and the Bookbinder

Artists’ Print & Artists’ Book Workshop

A Drum-Leaf Binding using Handmade Woodblock Prints:
hosted by Ralph Kiggell & Mark Cockram

Four days, two workshops combined: ‘East meets West’
Saturday 5th October - Tuesday 8th October 2019
Barnes, London

This workshop was conceived some time ago by these two leading artists, two continents crossed, Mark Cockram visiting Asia and Ralph Kiggell touring Europe, they were destined to share ideas, shape and mould their work into this one off workshop.

The opportunity is here to meet and work with designer bookbinder Mark and printmaker Ralph. A workshop in two stages, with artist-printmaker Ralph leading the first two days, and bookbinder Mark leading the latter two days, with no experience of bookbinding or printmaking needed. This workshop is aimed at all ages and all levels of creative experience.

Stage One. Under the guidance of Ralph, participants are introduced to the classic art and craft of Japanese water-based woodblock printing, commonly known today as mokuhanga. This stage of the workshop covers the basic tools, materials and process of this non-toxic technique from block preparation and cutting, paper choice and preparation, to the fundamentals of printing itself. Students will develop a simple multi-block print in two to three colours, using their own cut blocks, alongside woodblock templates provided.

Stage Two. Under the guidance of Mark, participants use their prints from stage one to create a four-spread drum-leaf bound book. This process combines bookbinding methods from Europe and Asia. The process is simple, it includes folding, adhering the papers and pressing, the final result is a decorated cased in binding with no sewing required. Tips, hacks and joviality provided along the way.

About the tutors:

Ralph Kiggell, a member of the Royal Society of Painter Printmakers, UK, studied woodblock printing in the early 1990s at the atelier of Toshi Yoshida, son of Hiroshi Yoshida, where he learned the fundamentals of the ukiyo-e technique. He later learned contemporary woodblock methods in Kyoto with Akira Kurosaki, before taking his studies to MFA level at Tama Art University, Tokyo.

Mark Cockram, a Fellow of Designer Bookbinders, Brother of the Art Workers Guild and  Special Researcher of the University of Shanghai Science & Technology and the founder of Studio 5, an educational facility in London. Mark is an award-winning book artist, international exhibitor and Man-Booker prize winning bookbinder, trained in England, France and Japan, who has led workshops in London, New York, Tokyo, Paris, Hong Kong, Manila and Shanghai.

Materials available:

For the printmaking: woodblocks, knives, water-based pigments, Japanese papers (washi), printing brushes, registration boards, bench-hooks, traditional baren for hand-printing.

For the bookbinding: acrylics & inks, bookcloth, board, adhesive and brushes.

6 Spaces Available at £400 pp (including all materials).

Location: Wurkshop 9-10, The Mews, 46-52 Church Rd, Barnes, London SW13 0DQ

Email for more information.

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Shanghai, Part 2. POP UP

When not teaching, I was what I can only describe as eventing. A lecture, pop up exhibition and a 'hands on' workshop in the fab Sinan Bookstore in the French concession area of Shanghai.

A wonderful crowd. First there was the pop up. I had managed to borrow a number of books I had made or bound from the DeWilde collection. Ten books in total... a unique chance to see 10 books.. 
close up and with the binder.

 Then an illustrated lecture on wider topics including my inspiration, ways of working and variations within the genre of the book. Finally a hands on workshop in foil tooling. All in about 3 hours of non stop stuff. Many thanks to all involved.

After the events, a break in a wonderful little place, a beer or two.... with new friends. All in all a great day.

 A wonder around the French Concession, bits around the corner and on the walls..

Friday 2 August 2019

Shanghai.A first time for me...

A while ago I was invited to teach in Shanghai by the Purple Heron Cultural and Media Co. Ltd at the University of Shanghai Science and Technology, college of Communication and Art Design. I was pleased to have been asked.. delighted even and with a few days to go, on being asked if I would like to appointed to the position of Special Researcher of the USST Purple Heron Bookbinding Design and Research Center, I was in a different place... A happy place.

Shanghai is many different things to different people, I went with an open mind. Though I have been visiting and working in South East Asia for nearly 30 years this trip would be the first time I had been to main land China. For more information about The Republic of China may I suggest that you may wish to follow this LINK  to the Wikipedia site (Yes, I do contribute)

There were two main reasons for me being there, first to teach at the University and second to give a pop up talk, demo, workshop and exhibition.. all in one place in the matter of 3 hours... cripes..

First a few links ...



草鹭工坊 | 跟着Mark Cockram定制烫金笔记本

上观 | 让书变得“好看”,就是设计一个好看的封面?图书设计,是时候改变思路了!

Purple Heron

More tomorrow.