Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Saturday 21 September 2019

Freedom. seriously simple in koncept.

seriously simple in koncept.
There are times when I find myself waiting for things to dry. Paint, adhesive, jokes.. you know the sort of thing. It is during those moments of not much happening that my thoughts go back to the past. To the endless days and nights of youth. Before the internet, mobiles and much less facial hair.
In an age when the very way we communicate with each other is monitored and, in the UK at least, we find ourselves filmed or on camera countless times a day, privacy becomes a commodity not a right. There are many voices and opinions about this, I, myself have no wish to add to the chattering masses. We also find ourselves being censored and banned from social media sites by un-named people with no way of recourse. Such is life. Please understand, the various vehicles of communication and ease in other aspects of our lives is wonderful, but it comes with a loss of privacy and a certain cost of the individual.
We know the problems with leaks from net providers and the selling of information... remember the internet is not free.... we give up so much when we enter this world... As I said, during the quiet moments my mind drifts to that bygone age of youth with a distinct lack of allergies and the other trappings of a 1st or developed world life style (please note, other life styles and worlds are available. In some ways I would prefer to be part of a developing world than a developed world, at least I would be going somewhere. Please further note that I am fully aware that there are other opinions and of course we are all now allowed allergies. However, I cannot, for some reason, imagine my Grandfather saying " Oh I cannot sit in there, I have an allergy to canvas" as he strapped himself into the cockpit of his Royal Aircraft Factory F.E.2 with classic "Farman" layout, as a pilot in the Royal Flying Corps... An other age, and other time and all of that for a freedom that many young people have no concept of the cost in the millions of peoples futures deferred , permanently)
I digress.
I am an advocate of newsletters and the like being on line and that they can be printed off should one desire to have a hard copy. There is scope for links and other lovely things that can and often make for interactive and exciting journeys. However... there is the nagging thought, that there is nothing private..... and could be open to corruption. Idle thoughts I know.
Perhaps the fanzine or zine could be an answer... as I said, seriously simple in koncept. I will ponder further.

Thursday 19 September 2019

Salmon Rushdie... Quichotte. Booker Binding 2019

Quichotte by Salmon Rushdie, Booker binding 2019... The end papers....... The end papers are made over-size. Once laminated to a white (Made End Paper) the end papers will be trimmed to the correct size. The paper is 130 gsm cartridge.

The end papers have been made ....... After the sections have been trimmed, I am wanting rough edges, the sections have been sewn, sections tipped on , a thin coating of PVA-Paste mix applied to the spine, rounded, backed with the first spine lining of linen adhered and allowed to dry in shape in a finishing press.
I have to say that it was not the easiest of jobs.. the sections are think and I have a feeling that there maybe an issue with grain direction.. I will check, I could be wrong.
I used my £2.50 hammer and a single screw laying press from my friend (in the flesh as it were) (
Allowing things time to dry is crucial I feel.
I have to the 12th October to have it and a box finished and get it and myself to the awards evening at the Guildhall in the City of London. I realise it sounds a long time but in fact there is pressure. I have to read the book so many times, as a landscape artist draws inspiration from the landscape, I draw my inspiration from the text. What one has to remember is ... I will be meeting the author... The work I do will be looked at as part of the award is that all of the 6 finalists receive a hand bound designer binding of their book.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Jaggedart. An exhibition.

As well as the Booker... and Chiswick Literary Festival.....

Friday 6 September 2019

The Booker award 2019

Once again it is Booker time. This year I will mainly be reading...... Salmon Rushdie's Quichotte.