Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Saturday 31 October 2020

London Scenes, a short video of the leather layers being applied. Along with stage by stage of the same......


Though it looks simple.. Just applying the leather ... It has taken me the best part of 3 days. The leather, along with a few pieces of cloth, have to be applied with care. The layering of the leathers accentuate the sculpting underneath and create further form. The various grains from different skins again adds to the effect.

 All of this before the dyes are applied!

Tuesday 27 October 2020

London Scenes... Work begins on the binding.


My biblionautic chums and friends.
Under the skin. Early stages of the binding.
A commission for a UK based Worshipful Company founded in 1528. London Scenes.
The Company have asked me to document all the various stages of the making of this binding...
A day or so ago I started work has started on the actual binding. The 3d/structure of the binding has been formed, the hinging and wrap round spine (this is where I differ from the more traditional Yamato Toji). The sky line becomes more evident as to do the proportions of the book. I feel that both the form and textures of the binding, even at this early stage are soooo architectural.
I am relishing the making of this particular binding, similar in some ways to an artists book I made, Egg Six Images, some years ago perhaps 15 years or so. Now in a private collection.
Please note there are other ways of doing things, binding styles and opinions..... spelling and grammar. Please further note, the opinion of the author may change at any moment. This is due to having an open mind... of sorts.....


Sunday 25 October 2020

London Scenes, 2nd Maquette Board...... The Movie.


My biblionautic chums and friends.

A commission for a UK based Worshipful Company founded in 1528. London Scenes.
The Company have asked me to document all the various stages of the making of this binding...
A busy couple of days on the 2nd maquette board....

The Film.. Please follow the link...    Maquette Board the 2nd..
Please note there are other ways of doing things, binding styles and opinions..... spelling and grammar. Please further note, the opinion of the author may change at any moment. This is due to having an open mind... of sorts.....

Wednesday 21 October 2020

London Scenes. The 2nd Maquette Board.


My biblionautic chums and friends.
A commission for a UK based Worshipful Company founded in 1528. London Scenes.
The Company have asked me to document all the various stages of the making of this binding... 
There is still a lot of exploring to do. Though I am happy with the effect of the first maquette board, I am not so happy with the surface. After dying the leather and cloth I applied an oil based printers ink. However.... it just does not look right too glossy... too plastic like. In addition the thicker sculpting looks a little crude.
This is the 2nd full size maquette. The sculpting is lower, which is getting to where I want things to be. I have also experimented with paste wash and spirit dyes to get the sequence correct.. also different leathers and other material to achieve the look I want.
These early steps in the design process are important.. to find what works and what does not work. Each step gets nearer the finished work. I could just use an existing technique or style but would it reflect the contents of the book? reflect the time of the images... London during the second world war? etc etc etc.
Refine and rework... get it right.

I really like the texture and feel of this particular board. It is beginning to work!

Monday 19 October 2020

London Scenes.

A commission for a UK based Worshipful Company founded in 1528. . The Company have asked me to document all the various stages of the making of this binding... 

Surface treatment. 
There is still a lot of exploring to do. Though I am happy with the effect, I am not so happy with the surface. After dying the leather and cloth I applied an oil based printers ink. However.... it just does not look right too glossy... too plastic like. In addition the thicker sculpting looks a little crude.

These early steps in the design process are important.. to find what works and what does not work. Each step gets nearer the finished work. I could just use an existing technique or style but would it reflect the contents of the book? reflect the time of the images... London during the second world war? etc etc etc.
On to the next maquette I think.. refine and rework... get it right.

Please note there are other ways of doing things, binding styles and opinions..... spelling and grammar. Please further note, the opinion of the author may change at any moment. This is due to having an open mind... of sorts.....


Friday 16 October 2020

London Scenes.


My biblionautic chums and friends.
A commission for a UK based Worshipful Company founded in 1528. London Scenes. The Company have asked me to document all the various stages of the making of this binding...
Work continues on the full size maquette. Layering and covering creating form, depth and numerous textures. So far so good.
Please note there are other ways of doing things, binding styles and opinions..... spelling and grammar. Please further note, the opinion of the author may change at any moment. This is due to having an open mind... of sorts.....


Thursday 15 October 2020

London Scenes. A new commission.


My biblionautic chums and friends.
A commission for a the Clothworkers' Company.
The following is from their web site......

The Clothworkers’ Company was founded in 1528, following a merger of The Fullers’ Company and The Shearmen’s Company. One of the ‘Great Twelve Livery Companies’ of the City of London, our original aim was to promote the craft of clothworking, supervise the training of apprentices and welfare of members, and protect standards of workmanship.

Today, members help us fulfil our civic duties to the City of London, manage our affairs and meet our charitable objectives. Livery members are expected to participate in the living history and traditions of the City – including the election of the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs and Aldermen – and to serve on our Court of Assistants or committees. They invest thousands of voluntary hours each year supporting the governance and management of our affairs. Responsible stewardship of our financial assets – principally based on historic property bequests and investments – has enabled us to pursue ambitious philanthropic goals.

While few members are now involved in The Company’s root trade, we continue to support textiles by funding technical education, skills development, innovative design, the conservation of textiles heritage and craft skills, and much more.

Please do visit their site so, so interesting....

The Company have asked me to document all the various stages of the making of this binding... so here is the starting point. I am working on a full size maquette. The aim is to take inspiration from the wonderful wood cuts to create a layered, sculptured binding. 3D, yes I know a book is 3D but with emphasis on the spaces between layers, the nooks and crannies of London.
From a preliminary design I begin to work with form, shape and space. In the images one see the first steps in the journey.

Please note there are other ways of doing things, binding styles and opinions..... spelling and grammar. Please further note, the opinion of the author may change at any moment. This is due to having an open mind... of sorts.....

Sunday 4 October 2020

Duende, the final images.

                                                                      The binding.
                                                                         Front board.
                                                                  Front board detail.
                                                                       Back board.

Back board detail.

Drum Leaf text block.
                                                                   Text block detail.
