Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Thursday 29 November 2007

The final stretch

The following day brought us to the making of the cover, boards were cut, leather was pared and paper glued. The lack of equipment was overcome by using what we could lay our hands on. Rocks to take the place of presses being just one example

The students, Mr Penton ( Mr Penton is the man with the pale hair to the right of the image ) a first rate assistant and photographer, Mme Nikita, students and the books.

There was one final call I had to make, back to the cobbler who had supplied the leather. At first he did not believe that we had made the books and that the leather was from his store. As we explained the construction details, material manipulation and with the aid of the digital camera how we had made the book, he began to understand and enthuse about the project.

So what is next ? well I am hooked. Of all my teaching experiences this has to the most rewarding. There is so much more to do.

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