Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Thursday 10 January 2008

Studio 5 up-date

The studio is in chaos, bin bags have been leaving the studio with alarming regularity, new shelves have been put up and taken down, only to be put up again.
One of the outcomes is space. Not lots of space but more space.
New equipment has been brought in and existing equipment checked over and re-positioned. I trust that the arrival of the new work surfaces will begin to bring things together.

I am looking forward to the 15th January when Studio 5 will be open with a new set of workshops, opening times and structured courses.
Of course, the open studio sessions will continue.

Forthcoming Events

Saturday the 26th of January.

A day of lectures at The Art Workers Guild by Designer Bookbinders.

The lectures will cover many topics to do with the book given by
the good and the great.

The day starts at 10.30 am with David Penton (Studio 5 Member),
Mark Cockram (me) and M Kunikata-Cockram
(Fellow of Designer Bookbinders and my better half)
The lecture will be an account of the genesis, setting up and impact of the 'Beautiful British Books' exhibition held in Japan in 2006. This exhibition toured three venues and featured the work of the Fellows and Licentiates of Designer Bookbinders.

There will be other speakers and this promises to be an interesting day for all who work or live with the book.

For more information please visit:

Venue: The Art Workers Guild,6 Queen Square,London,WC1

Nearest Underground stations are Holborn and
Russell Square.

1 comment:

  1. Updates!! I demand updates!!! Did you finish the re-organisation in time? Does Studio 5 now have a breakfast bar? If I am stuck across the sea with lots of people with funny accents, the least I deserve is an update!!!

    When I return, I plan to come and see it for myself. I may also be requiring beer, cheesy chips... and a pony!
