Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Saturday 3 May 2008

Gorilla/Guerilla book arts

Last week I took a day off to go to the Victoria and Albert museum to view the Blood on Paper exhibition. I found it very engaging but not much new stuff. As I entered, an information poster told me that the book was invented by the Romans ! That is news to me as I am sure that there were books before the Romans and what is meant by 'The Romans'?

One point that make me think about the book art genre is that many of the works where not made by the artists themselves, more they gave a series of ideas, drawings or designs to craftsmen and women to realise. The artists, who in the main have no idea of how to make a book became a designer only. The true work was done by trained bookbinders.

The work of Anslem Kiefer was top and I always find pleasure in being able to re-visit his work.

As I walked round the exhibition I hit on the notion of having a book on exhibition. I cut and folded a five pound note into a rudimentary book.
Just behind the 'High Altar' ,(towards the back of the exhibition, just passed the work of Kapoor) there is a void. It was in this void that I placed my book and exhibited it for some five minutes.

It is hardly earth shattering but it was fun, perhaps it is something that I should explore with more vigour.