Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Monday 30 June 2008

New work.

It would appear that I am working on four books. Typical, just as the weather and Wimbledon are working in harmony, I find myself stuck at the bench.

The four books comprise of one speculative binding, two commissions and a competition book.

The speculative is Magic Books From Mexico. A King Penguin publication, the rarest of all their titles (so I am told) A Lovely book with fantastic illustrations.

With the original binding being damaged, I could take the opportunity to put a fresh binding on it.
After pulling the book, new end papers, end bands, re-sewing etc, I was able to turn my attention to the leather.

The leather (fair goat from the top company Hewit and Sons, though other tanners are available) was cut to size, the turn-ins pared with the Schärffix 2000 ( Please note other paring machines are available) The turn-in step is then removed with the paring knife and the first lot of dye applied.

Once the first application is dry the second dye stuff is applied. I enjoy working this way, being able to treat the leather as a canvas lets me have far more control over colour, texture and the like.
Onlays of about 0.2mm are glued to the surface and then Back Pared.

Oh what fun.... The object of back paring is to remove leather from the back of the skin, just in the areas where the on-lays are. This is not so difficult, however, with the various applications of dye the skin can become a little hard and more prone to not moving as easily in the paring machine. This can lead on to holes and lots of swearing.
The secret is to take of as little as possible (dust) with each pass through the paring machine until the desired thickness of leather is achieved.
The leather is then glued out and worked over the boards etc.

Once covered the book is pressed until dry, only in-filling, leather joints and further design work to go.

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