Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Thursday 24 July 2008

Rat skins, competitions and the Man Booker awards.

As promised, the Rat Skins.

Cute are they not ?

Along with the usual stuff that happens in Studio 5 I have been working on a competition book ( The first comp in ages). The title is 'Water' and is basically a collection of images and words connected with.......wait for it..........water.
I would love to show you the images, but I think I may be breaking the rules if I did. I will show you later.

Other news from the studio.....

I am one of this years Man Booker binders. For those of us who are new to all of this the Man Booker is as follows;

Towards the end of the year there is an award ceremony for the good and the great in the world of literary wonderfulness at some swanky venue in London town. Each one of the six finalists receives a designed binding of their tome. It is sponsored by the Man Group and was started ( I think) by the Booker Group, hence the Man Booker awards. Simple. As things develop I will keep you up to date. The long list is out at the weekend if you are really keen.

Oh yes, I am off to Japan for a few days.... work and family.

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