Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Boxes and mental blocks.

Work on the Man Booker binding is going well (for those of you not following the progress reports.... tut, tut) However, that is not the only project on the go.

A little while ago I finished binding a commission, the next phase is to make the box. The box is important, not only does it protect the book it also identifies the book inside. As you may have noticed, a lot of bindings do not have the title on them, hence the title on the box being important.

It has been commented that I should have the title on the book as people like to know the contents. I refer to the box again and in any case with the sort of work I do, the collectors usually know exactly what is on their shelves.

My normal practise is to make a two tray drop back box ( Clam Shell ) However, it has been known for me to make box frames for wall display, boxes that are integrated with the book and other variations. I am bored with the two tray drop back box, there must be another way.

To be able to display and protect.............. the old gray cells are asleep.................... BOOKBINDERS BLOCK.

Monday 15 September 2008

New students. Designer Bookbinders.....

Busy, busy. new students who may become studio members, exhibitions and prep work for forth coming work shops in Japan.

A number of the studio members are busy working on various competitions. First there is the Designer Bookbinders competition, an annual event. The problem this year is that the submission date was not know until after September the first..... The hand in date is the 11th of October, crazy, a full two weeks before last years date. I am sure the studio members will do their best. But why keep the closing date secret, surly it would have been in every one's interest to have the date available as soon as possible. Oh well....

The other competition is also organised by Designer Bookbinders and is international in nature. much hard work is being done by many, with some nice stuff being produced.

The Man Booker bindings are coming on. For up-dates on those bindings please refer to 'Diary of a Man Booker Binder'

Travel arrangements have been made for our next work shop in Anandwan, box making and some binding work. I would like to thank everyone who has made a contribution and will make a series of posts later on.

Wednesday 10 September 2008

Waiting for Man Booker.

The Man Booker short list came out yesterday, for an update please log on to The diary of a Man Booker Binder (please see web sites below) So, while waiting for the sheets I continue with work on the bench. The book that has featured in a number of posts is now under-going gold tooling and black line work. Deep concentration and a steady hand.

Good natural light and time to rest the eyes are just two of the factors to be taken in to account. Not easy when the studio is full of members working on various projects of their own. Such is life. I would not have it any other way, the atmosphere is charged, the tea breaks are fun and new thoughts, ideas and concepts are batted around the studio like a cricket ball in a 20-twenty match.

Monday 1 September 2008

On the Bench

Time is not on my side.
The Man Booker is creeping up and I still have work to do.....

Remember the spine cleaning entry from a few weeks ago ? Well this the same book being covered, all hand dyed with spirit dyes. I intend to have this finished by the end of the month.

An exhibition opens in a few days time at the SDC gallery ( please see links ) a top place and well worth a visit. More work shops in Japan at the end of next month and Anandwan in December. Time is not on my side.