Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Monday 15 September 2008

New students. Designer Bookbinders.....

Busy, busy. new students who may become studio members, exhibitions and prep work for forth coming work shops in Japan.

A number of the studio members are busy working on various competitions. First there is the Designer Bookbinders competition, an annual event. The problem this year is that the submission date was not know until after September the first..... The hand in date is the 11th of October, crazy, a full two weeks before last years date. I am sure the studio members will do their best. But why keep the closing date secret, surly it would have been in every one's interest to have the date available as soon as possible. Oh well....

The other competition is also organised by Designer Bookbinders and is international in nature. much hard work is being done by many, with some nice stuff being produced.

The Man Booker bindings are coming on. For up-dates on those bindings please refer to 'Diary of a Man Booker Binder'

Travel arrangements have been made for our next work shop in Anandwan, box making and some binding work. I would like to thank everyone who has made a contribution and will make a series of posts later on.

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