Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Thursday 9 October 2008

Finishing tools for India.

A week of stuff, so far, good stuff.

A week or so ago, I had the pleasure of working with a new studio guest, a Mr Tom McEwan. A Bookbinder from the wonderful city of Glasgow.

Part of his work is to make hand tools for finishing (brass tools that are used in the decoration of books) during the week we were together the conversation got onto my work in India. To cut a short story even shorter, Tom said that he would let me have some of his tools to take to India. This morning our genial postman gave me a package that contained six superb hand tools from Tom.

The tools are have open designs that are perfect for work with foil, I think that gold leaf is out of our reach at the moment. The work of the hand tool maker requires a lot of skill, I for one am in awe of Toms work and look forward to being able to share his tools with the students in Anandwan.

I would like to thank Tom for his very beautiful and useful donation.

For a more in-depth look at the work of Tom, please visit his web site on . It is under construction at the moment but his contact details are available.

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