Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Thursday 9 April 2009 in progress.

Work with Utopia. A full calf binding (hand dyed) with black line and gold tooling. The inlays will come later on. Having read Utopia, I find that much is turned on its head. Gold becomes the lowest of all metals, fit for the meanest of uses, all religions are accepted, slavery for the main part is abolished. I am sure that if Moore was alive today there would be no slavery in his Utopia.

The gold tooling has been distressed by scratching it out with a sharp pointy thing, wire wool and rough sand paper.

Calf is a delicate covering material. Care should always be taken to ensure that the work surface is clean, that nails are cut short and on no account should the calf be scratched.
I have scratched and re-worked the surface, staining the leather with dyes and other stuff.

Next is the inlays, this should bring the whole design together. I anticipate that the calf will be re-worked. A lot.

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