Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Wednesday 7 April 2010

The 4 Gospels, leather jointed end papers and doublers.

Leather jointed end papers and full wrap round doublers. The leather joints have been inserted and the boards in-filled to create a smooth finish (no lumps or bumps) The doublers have been cut to size, allowing for a healthy turn-in at the head, tail and fore edge and the spine edge has been edge pared. Using a small paint roller with a short pile roller the adhesive, a 50/50 mix of paste and PVA was then applied to the back of the doubler.
I prefer to use a roller for this sort of job as there are no hairs and one can work quickly giving you more time to position the work.

Pitching the doubler in place. Patience and a keen eye. As the doublers and the endpapers had been printed and there is only one of each, this was not the time to make a cock-up!

Once in the correct position the whole surface was rubbed over with a Teflon folder to ensure that all air bubbles and wrinkles were eliminated. Then tins in and pressed. The turn-ins will be done later when the doublers are dry.

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