Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Friday 16 January 2015

Studio 5 One Day Workshop. No 2 Non Adhesive Binding.

 No 2, The Studio 5 one day workshop in non adhesive binding.
Students have the chance to make an elegant, non adhesive binding (approx 22cm x 12.5cm x 1.5cm) using, leather, vellum and paper made from old jeans (it is wonderful stuff) We start the day with sewing our sections and going through all the processes.
The one day workshop will be in Studio 5 (SW London) The workshop leader will be me (Mark Cockram) In addition to your book to take home the goody bag will include a pricker and flat pack sewing cradle. Oh yes and a day of the Studio 5 experience.... Now you are asking how much and when? £60 (this includes all tuition fees, materials, use of hand tools and indifferent tea, coffee and biscuits) and Saturday the 31st of January and Sunday the 1st of February. Only 4 places available on each day. First come, first served. Did I mention the indifferent tea, coffee and biscuits?

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