Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Monday 21 November 2016

The last few weeks....

 The last few weeks have been a little busy. First there was the first Studio 5 Artist in Residence.. Kaitlin Barbour. Kaitlin produced some really very nice work, completing a commission and exploring new techniques. It was great to be in the studio with her. Kaitlin is a recent graduate from  North Bennet Street School .  I have a suspicion that Kaitlin is going to give the Bookbinding and book arts world a bit of Rock n Roll. Turn it up to 11......

 Then for the last 2 weeks I had the fab  Erin Fletcher from Boston Massachusetts, in for a series of rolling workshops exploring many wonderful decorative techniques. I find it still a buzz to be able to share what and how I do things.

 This weekend just gone I had a workshop in ... Introduction to print making for the bookbinder/book artist. We had great fun with serious results.

Today has been a day of working on a miniature... more about that later and planing a new poster and new work for forthcoming exhibitions. There is never enough time....

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