Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Saturday 1 April 2017

Iskandar Jalil. Kembara Tanah Liat ( Clay Travels ) New commission.

One aspect of my work that I enjoy is the fact that often I find myself either due to self interest or being encouraged by others or situations to discover new ways of manipulating materials to achieve a desired effect or result. To explore new directions... To find out more. This does not mean that every day throws up challenges that I have to tussle with, no, it is more that I enjoy following the journey as much as I do the end result. Having said that.. I do enjoy a good tussle every now and then.

 One new commission I have undertaken is an exhibition record of a ceramic artist. I have to say that unlike many bookbinders I do not undertake every commission I am offered. Nor do I replicate the same style of binding or decorative technique time and time again. I do not like boring. I also have to like or have some feeling for the book, contents.... there has to be elements that I connect with. I realise it sounds a bit Arty Farty but there has to be an understanding. In short it is easy to see when a binder, artist or book artist has just gone through the motions. No thought, no effort. Such a disappointment.
 One couple that have been commissioning me from my early days have always managed to find the right book for me to work with. I will refer to them as S and P.. they know who they are and I have a sneaky suspicion who is the boss ;-)

So to the commission, perhaps it would be easier for me to provide a link or two. Jalil Wikipedia  Short film.

I hope it is easy to understand why I like find so much to like and why there is so much  scope for stuff to happen and directions to go in and explore.

For the last 2 or so months I have been thinking about the book, what I would like to do with it. The overall feeling I want to go with. My initial thoughts are now becoming more and more concrete.

First to print the end papers.......

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