Contemporary Fine Art Bindings

Saturday 10 June 2017

Iskandar Jalil, Clay Travels and other things in the studio.

 Above, detail of one of the 4 spreads for an artists book.
Below, the 4 spreads that form the pages of the book.

Below.  Iskandar Jalil, Clay Travels. The outside of the binding is now completed. I say completed, I have to live with it for a few days to make sure.
 I have truly enjoyed working with this binding. The materials and the finished look and textures have been inspired by the books contents.
 Soil from Singapore has been incorporated into the modeling clay.
 Textures and drips.

 Now for the Doublers, there will be soils, clays, text and more drips.... I feel I am on the final stretch with this binding. I have learnt and remember so much.

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