Studio 5 Book Arts
Saturday, 22 March 2025
Frances Cornford's poem... All Souls' Night.....
Thursday, 20 March 2025
Pale Fire and Box finished.
Friday, 14 March 2025
Pale Fire
Saturday, 15 February 2025
It is all in the preparation.
My biblionautic chums and friends.
As some of you may already know, I am a course tutor on the West Dean College FdA (Foundation Degree Arts) course-Bookbinding.
Recently we decided that it would be a nice idea to have a Bookish happening in The FdA Bookbinding studio/bindery on a Monday evening. And why not?
This Monday will see me give a masterclass/demonstration on Leather Label Making. What could possibly go wrong? To show and explain the various steps, processes and related stuff in the making of leather labels for books and what have you.
So..... Most of today has been spent in preparation. Running through the various steps, having a 'Heres one I did earlier' for every step to ensure that the said Masterclass/demonstration and resulting Q and A session takes about an hour.
Having delivered illustrated lectures, demonstrations and stuff for the best part of 30 plus years related to my work and techniques, I am always aware of the preparation time that is involved, recognising this in others who do the same often in awe of them as I have some idea of what they go through.
I guess we have all, at one time or another, had the misfortune to sit through an excruciating demo or lecture. The person delivering either not preparing enough, running out of time or taking the p*ss with what they are doing.... Perhaps a combination of all and, of course other aspects of the delivery of the said lecture/demo etc being awful.
I hope not to be one of those.
I, like others, practise and rehearse. Going through the running order, checking and re-checking.... To ensure that all runs smoothly in the allotted time, to deliver in a natural way..... (not to have 10 minutes of some thing feeble and 50 minutes talking about myself and dropping names like it is raining names - for example) It all takes time. A lot of time. Let alone having the confidence to stand in front of people and share... To be under the spotlight... The scrutiny of others.......
So dear reader, the next time you attend a lecture/demo etc and all was well, let the poor sod standing up front know you appreciate what they have done for you. You would at a concert woudn't you?
Anyway, the image is of some of the prep work from earlier in the day.
Please note.... there are other galleries/exhibition spaces, studios/binderies doing stuff, spelling and grammar. Please further note, the opinion of the author may change at any moment. This is due to having an open mind of sorts.
Sunday, 9 February 2025
New exhibition in BASE - Book Arts SpacE.
Saturday, 25 January 2025
Sunday, 19 January 2025
Affichés Lacerées Exposed
Friday, 3 January 2025
Adding to Insult to Injury.....Finished.
Sunday, 29 December 2024
Front Board finished .... Adding to Insult to Injury.
Saturday, 28 December 2024
Adding Distortion to Insult to Injury.
Friday, 27 December 2024
End Papers and Doublers, Adding to Insult to Injury.