Book Arts Space

A space for artists books and book works created by Mark Cockram. Like any good exhibition space the work is for sale, please contact me for further details.

The Agony of Things Left Unsaid.

A tryptic, mixed media, altered Edwardian photo graph in original frame, book-cloth and board. H 65cm x 49cm closed - 98cm open x 6cm. Rather like a traveling tryptic of a bygone age, Agony, however, gives us a more up-to-date explosion of a very traditional format. designed to be wall hanging.


Inner is a floor standing book made from 3 hinged panels. Inspired by my travels and work in Manila. Colours and textures are derived from the upcycled and recycled of the everyday in the constantly evolving landscape of the backstreets of Metro Manilla. 190cm x 61cm x 10cm when closed.
Wood, paper mixed media.

The, Burial, Is, Other, Final and To.   sold

Unique artists books. Each is a full lull leather binding with laminated board attachment. Drum Leaf structure with college and mixed media to 4 spreads.
7cm x 5.2cm x 7mm when closed.
Each is signed and numbered. offered individually or as a collection.