Progress (Ortigas Foundation Library, Manila. March) In the first image
we see the set up of the tools and materials, the workshop leader is
making sure all is ok. The 2nd and 3rd images finds us during
demonstration mode, concentration and explanation. Image 4 and the
cameras are reversed. The fifth image illustrates the little known book
binding and book arts move, The Crane. This stance takes incredible
skill and is not to be attempted without a safety net.... The day moves
on with information on forth coming attractions.. Image 8 is with Jazz
hands and certificates of participation. Finally image 9.. My work here
is done.
Many thanks to all who took part. Thanks to Clarraine Tonog for the images except number 4... I took that.
Many thanks to all who took part. Thanks to Clarraine Tonog for the images except number 4... I took that.