What is important, what makes me do what I do. Perhaps it can be summed up in a few images.
Teaching in Studio 5
Exploring new techniques and methods.
Teaching abroad with no translators, art and craft being the common language.
And the realisation of form, function and aesthetic. The Book .
Is the top image from a couple of months ago or do you owe Thea some money?
Dash x
Correct the image is from a few months ago and Thea still has not paid up !
Help. I don't understand/remember. Why does he owe me money? Why do I owe him money?
Let me try and jog your memory..... A certain person who was but is not now.
Oh I get it. But I did pay up.
was I with a drink at the time ?
Surely you don't drink, Mr Bookbinder, sir?!
Dearest Dash, I only drink in moderation.....one glass at a time. It is something to do with only having one mouth.
Do you have any tips on drinking that you would care to share with the class ?
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