Tuesday, 29 April 2008

In reflection one can not be all to everyone.

The last student has gone home, her work well on the way. Now for my selfish time, when the benches are cleared and I can work. Commissions need to be finished, exhibition work to be completed and plans made.

What is important, what makes me do what I do. Perhaps it can be summed up in a few images.

Teaching in Studio 5

Exploring new techniques and methods.

Teaching abroad with no translators, art and craft being the common language.

And the realisation of form, function and aesthetic. The Book .


Kathryn said...

Is the top image from a couple of months ago or do you owe Thea some money?

Dash x

Anonymous said...

Correct the image is from a few months ago and Thea still has not paid up !

Anonymous said...

Help. I don't understand/remember. Why does he owe me money? Why do I owe him money?

Anonymous said...

Let me try and jog your memory..... A certain person who was but is not now.

Anonymous said...

Oh I get it. But I did pay up.

Anonymous said...

was I with a drink at the time ?

Kathryn said...

Surely you don't drink, Mr Bookbinder, sir?!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Dash, I only drink in moderation.....one glass at a time. It is something to do with only having one mouth.

Do you have any tips on drinking that you would care to share with the class ?